Central Title


With roots dating back to 1912, we are proud of Central Title’s rich tradition of providing the highest-quality title product and customer service in East Texas for over a century.


This legacy forms the core of our mission today – when you choose Central Title, you are choosing a dedicated and experienced team of expert title and escrow professionals.


From our abstractors, to our closers, to our attorneys, our top priority is you! We are prompt, accurate, and available to our customers – always.


We invite you to take a look around the site, which contains helpful tools and resources for buyers, sellers, agents, and lenders. If you do not find the information you need here, please contact us – we will be happy to assist.

Cathy Painter Cace, daughter of former Central Title owner Paul Painter, pictured as a senior in her Longview High School yearbook.


Click on any location below for directions, contact information & office history.


meet the
Central Title team

meet the
Central Title team

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  • Longview
  • Marshall
  • Gilmer
  • Hallsville
  • Kilgore
  • Tyler

Andrew Robertson

Tyler, Title Abstractor

Angie Niblett

Longview, Title Abstractor

April Hubbard

Longview, Accounting

Ben Robertson

Tyler, SVP, Tyler Branch Manager, Title Examination Manager, Escrow Officer

Betty Lamb

Longview, Escrow Supervisor, Commercial Escrow Officer, President Emeritus

Betty Shipley

Longview, Title Abstractor

Beverly Rose

Longview, General Employee

Brittnie Thompson

Longview, Data Entry Specialist

Carolyn Lee

Tyler, Commitment Processor

Carolyn Owen

Tyler, SVP, Sr. Commercial Escrow Closer, Escrow Officer

Chris DeWoody

Marshall, Title Abstractor

Dana Rizzo

Tyler, Escrow Closing Assistant, Commitment Processor, Escrow Officer

Dana Smith

Longview, Title Examination Coordinator

Dawn Cameron

Longview, Title Examiner

Deborah Milwood

Tyler, Policy Coordinator

Denise Hart

Gilmer, VP, Gilmer Branch Manager, Escrow Closer, Escrow Officer

Donna Elrod

Longview, SVP, Title Examination Manager, Escrow Officer

Emily Nations

Longview, Title Abstractor

Erin Roye

Longview, Policy Coordinator

Jamie Howard

Marshall, Escrow Closing Assistant

Janie Nolley

Longview, Senior Title Abstractor

Janna Isgitt

Longview, Escrow Accounting

Jeanne McMinn

Longview, VP, Longview Closing Manager, Sr. Escrow Closer, Escrow Officer

Jessica Thomas

Longview, Escrow Closing Assistant

Jimmy Bennett

Tyler, Senior Title Abstractor, CAEP

John Owen

Tyler, Escrow Officer, Escrow Closer

Julie Goughnour

Longview, SVP, Senior Title Examiner, Escrow Officer

Kelly Lee

Marshall, Sr. Escrow Closing Assistant, Escrow Officer

Kem Ware

Hallsville, Branch Manager, Escrow Officer, of Hallsville

Kim Akins

Kilgore, Escrow Closer / Branch Manager

Laura Hillis

Longview, EVP, General Counsel

Lindsay Broome

Longview, Director of Marketing

Macie McCoy


Melissa Hamilton

Tyler, Senior Escrow Closing Assistant, Escrow Officer

Miles Darby

Longview, Owner, President, Sr. General Counsel

Miriam Bautista

Longview, Title Abstractor

Natalie Hayes

Marshall, VP, Marshall Branch Manager, Escrow Close Agent, Escrow Officer

Pam Lee

Marshall, Title Abstractor

Parker Rathbun

Tyler, Title Abstractor

Roxanna Lester

Longview, Data Entry Specialist

Sara Rodenbaugh

Longview, Escrow Closing Assistant, Escrow Officer

Stephen Williams

Tyler, Title Abstractor

Susan Sheffield

Tyler, Post Closing Coordinator, Escrow Officer

Tammie Howell

Longview, Compliance, Outside Escrow Closer, Escrow Officer

Tammy Bedford

Longview, Commitment Processor

Tessa Green

Gilmer, Receptionist

Tommie McWhorter

Marshall, Title Abstractor

Tracy Bryant

Longview, Title Abstractor

Whitney Hill

Hallsville, Receptionist

Woody Moseley

Marshall, Senior Title Examiner, Escrow Officer

Yvonne Parnell

Longview, Data Entry Specialist
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  • Marshall ()
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  • Hallsville ()
  • Kilgore ()
  • Tyler ()

Andrew Robertson

Tyler, Title Abstractor

Angie Niblett

Longview, Title Abstractor

April Hubbard

Longview, Accounting

Ben Robertson

Tyler, SVP, Tyler Branch Manager, Title Examination Manager, Escrow Officer

Betty Lamb

Longview, Escrow Supervisor, Commercial Escrow Officer, President Emeritus

Betty Shipley

Longview, Title Abstractor

Beverly Rose

Longview, General Employee

Brittnie Thompson

Longview, Data Entry Specialist

Carolyn Lee

Tyler, Commitment Processor

Carolyn Owen

Tyler, SVP, Sr. Commercial Escrow Closer, Escrow Officer

Chris DeWoody

Marshall, Title Abstractor

Dana Rizzo

Tyler, Escrow Closing Assistant, Commitment Processor, Escrow Officer

Dana Smith

Longview, Title Examination Coordinator

Dawn Cameron

Longview, Title Examiner

Deborah Milwood

Tyler, Policy Coordinator

Denise Hart

Gilmer, VP, Gilmer Branch Manager, Escrow Closer, Escrow Officer

Donna Elrod

Longview, SVP, Title Examination Manager, Escrow Officer

Emily Nations

Longview, Title Abstractor

Erin Roye

Longview, Policy Coordinator

Jamie Howard

Marshall, Escrow Closing Assistant

Janie Nolley

Longview, Senior Title Abstractor

Janna Isgitt

Longview, Escrow Accounting

Jeanne McMinn

Longview, VP, Longview Closing Manager, Sr. Escrow Closer, Escrow Officer

Jessica Thomas

Longview, Escrow Closing Assistant

Jimmy Bennett

Tyler, Senior Title Abstractor, CAEP

John Owen

Tyler, Escrow Officer, Escrow Closer

Julie Goughnour

Longview, SVP, Senior Title Examiner, Escrow Officer

Kelly Lee

Marshall, Sr. Escrow Closing Assistant, Escrow Officer

Kem Ware

Hallsville, Branch Manager, Escrow Officer, of Hallsville

Kim Akins

Kilgore, Escrow Closer / Branch Manager

Laura Hillis

Longview, EVP, General Counsel

Lindsay Broome

Longview, Director of Marketing

Macie McCoy


Melissa Hamilton

Tyler, Senior Escrow Closing Assistant, Escrow Officer

Miles Darby

Longview, Owner, President, Sr. General Counsel

Miriam Bautista

Longview, Title Abstractor

Natalie Hayes

Marshall, VP, Marshall Branch Manager, Escrow Close Agent, Escrow Officer

Pam Lee

Marshall, Title Abstractor

Parker Rathbun

Tyler, Title Abstractor

Roxanna Lester

Longview, Data Entry Specialist

Sara Rodenbaugh

Longview, Escrow Closing Assistant, Escrow Officer

Stephen Williams

Tyler, Title Abstractor

Susan Sheffield

Tyler, Post Closing Coordinator, Escrow Officer

Tammie Howell

Longview, Compliance, Outside Escrow Closer, Escrow Officer

Tammy Bedford

Longview, Commitment Processor

Tessa Green

Gilmer, Receptionist

Tifanie Barham

Longview, Admin Assistant

Tommie McWhorter

Marshall, Title Abstractor

Tracy Bryant

Longview, Title Abstractor

Whitney Hill

Hallsville, Receptionist

Woody Moseley

Marshall, Senior Title Examiner, Escrow Officer

Yvonne Parnell

Longview, Data Entry Specialist

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Delivering the highest-quality product and customer service experience in the East Texas title and escrow industry.

2020 Copyright All Rights Reserved. Website by Forbes&Butler.


Our team is proud of the knowledge and expertise we provide for our customers. If you have a question that isn’t addressed here, please contact us – we will find the answer for you!

Disclaimer: The resources contained on the Central Title Company website are intended for informational purposes only and are not intended to offer advice (legal, financial, or otherwise) about specific situations or issues. Final numbers may vary based on credit, endorsements, and other factors specific to individual files. For assistance, please contact us.

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Longview Location


Central Abstract & Title Company was formed in 1931 by Paul B. Scott, Jas A. Hankerson, and EP Harding. Over its decades of operations, Central Title has passed through several owners, each group building the reputation for experience, expertise, and excellence that Central Title enjoys today, as well as expanding Central Title’s operations throughout East Texas.


Today, Central Title owns and operates the only sovereign title plants in Gregg, Smith, Harrison, Upshur, and Rusk counties and has 6 office locations: Longview, Tyler, Marshall, Gilmer, Hallsville, and Kilgore.


• Marshall: In 1999, Central Title purchased First Southwest Title in Marshall and then acquired Central Title’s second sovereignty title plant with the purchase of Professional Land Title Services in 2000
• Gilmer: Upshur County Abstract (established in 1912) was added to the Central Title family in 2002; in 2004, Central Title purchased Upshur County Index, adding a third sovereignty title plant to our resources
• Tyler: In 2008, Smith County Title (established in 1923) joined the Central Title family, along with another sovereignty title plant
• Hallsville: In 2013, Central Title opened a Hallsville location, offering an additional closing option for our customers
• Kilgore: In the 1990s, Central Title added another convenient closing location with a fee office in Kilgore


We are so grateful to our customers for over a century of business and look forward to continuing to grow and serve East Texas for the next 100 years.

Tyler Location


The Tyler office of Central Title Company began as Smith County Abstract Company in April of 1923.

The sovereignty plant was built from its sister company, Boren Abstract, to supply the ever-increasing demand for abstracts of title on properties in the area of the East Texas Oil Field. The abstracts of title were typed on manual typewriters using onion skin paper. The typists for the three abstract companies lined the hallways of the courthouse for all the years of the oil boom and earned $0.05 per legal page, single-spaced, in triplicate with no errors.

Smith County Abstract began the issuance of title insurance some time in the early 1950s while most customers still preferred a good abstract of title combined with a title opinion from a trusted real estate attorney.

In Smith County, title insurance became more popular with the local lenders when they realized that a title policy took much less file storage room than bulky abstracts. By the early 1970s, title insurance was the more requested form of title evidence, although abstracts were still being used for the customers that had acquired them with their real property. Developers still requested abstracts for their new subdivisions, and oil companies were still used them for title evidence.

By the mid 1980s, abstracts had been replaced by the title insurance policy, which is the basis of our business today.
Smith County Abstract had its only office in downtown Tyler from 1923 until 1999. In the mid 1980s, Smith County Abstract Company was the first abstract company in town to set up a closing office. Formerly, all closings took place at an attorney’s office or with a lender.

In the late 1980s, Smith County Abstract became Smith County Title and built a new office in South Tyler, combining its title and closing operations. The company continued to grow as an integral part of the real estate business in Smith County.

In 2008, Smith County Title joined Central Title Company and became the Smith County branch of its five-county network, better able to supply the title needs of its customers.

Marshall Location


While the exact date of Harrison County Abstract Company’s founding is unknown, its earliest prepared file is dated March 20, 1920. Marshall Title Abstractor Chris DeWoody says, “We’re possibly a little bit older than that…All I can say for sure is we do not appear in the 1914 city directory, so were were established sometime between 1914 and 1920.”


Over the past 100 years, the company has operated out of several different buildings and under several different names:

• 1924: 107 1/2 W. Austin St.
• 1932: 1-2-3 Citizens State Bank building
• 1939: 4 Conway building
• 1946: the Mahon Building
• 1959: Harrison County Abstract Company purchased The Burton Abstract Company
• 1978: Harrison County Abstract Company was purchased by Lawyer’s Title Agency and moved to 301 E. Austin St.
• Operated under two names simultaneously for several years: Harrison County Abstract Company for abstracts of title and Lawyer’s Title Agency of Marshall for title insurance issuance
• 1984: Lawyer’s Title Agency was purchased by Royce Brown, renamed First Southwest Title, and moved to our present location of 200 W. Bowie St.


In 1999, First Southwest Title joined the Central Title family and became our Marshall branch.

Gilmer Location


Upshur County Abstract (established in 1912) was added to the Central Title family in 2002; in 2004, Central Title purchased Upshur County Index, adding a third sovereignty title plant to our resources

Hallsville Location


Open since 2013, our expert closing team in Hallsville offers an additional closing location option for our customers.

Kilgore Location - Fee Office


In the 1990s, Central Title added another convenient closing location with a fee office in Kilgore.

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